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By 2025, 90% of consumable content will be video. Creating high-impact video content is an essential way to accelerate your digital marketing presence.
Our talented in-house videographers help create impact videos that are also affordable, from storyboarding, talent scouting through to on-site shooting and post-production.
- Our skilled videographers, Dylan & Sophia, are constantly evolving and improving to produce ground-breaking content.
- We provide budget management, talent casting, location scouting and management, travel and transport logistics and post-production management.
- Since 2020, we have curated more than 500 videos, 1,500 minutes of edited footage and worked with more than 100 brands across Australia.
platforms we work with
our action plan.
As more businesses move online, the importance of videography will only grow in the coming years. Videos are an effective medium for connecting with an audience, and they can be used for anything from product demonstrations to customer testimonials. Furthermore, videos are highly shareable, which means they can reach a larger audience than other types of executions.
- We schedule shoots.
- Plan, script, and storyboard.
- We can arrange talent hire.
- We’ll shoot on and off-site.
- We prepare your clip sequence and audio.
- We edit, colour-correct, and add graphics.
- We’ll digitally deliver your video project.
The pointdot team allowed our business to expand our capabilities and keep our content fresh through ongoing video creation.
-Chantelle D
Lexus Macarthur
Proving the agility of the pointdot team, we ideated, storyboarded, scripted, organised talent and produced the shoot in 4 business days.
Read more about how this cinema advertisement came to life through our content creation team at pointdot.
frequently asked question.
Why is video important for my business?
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. However, video has become even more valuable in today’s world. In terms of customer engagement and marketing potential, video is an important tool for any business.
A well-crafted video can introduce customers to your products or services, highlight your brand identity, and even assist you in closing sales. And, with the advent of platforms like YouTube and Instagram, reaching a large audience with your video content is easier than ever.
So, if you haven’t already started using video to promote your business, now is the time. With the help of a professional videographer, you can create high-quality videos that will propel your business forward.
What types of videography do pointdot provide?
Our pointdot production team is dedicated to creating the most engaging and impactful video content you’ve ever seen. You’ll be glad you chose us for your video needs because we have top-of-the-line equipment and some of the most creative minds in the industry.
Among the numerous videos we offer are:
- Promotional Videos
- Video Testimonials
- Videos of Real Estate
- Drone Video
- Tik Toks and Reels for Social Media
- Cinema Commercials
- TVCs
- There’s a lot more!
How long does it take on average to receive my videos?
Video edits can take anywhere from one to four weeks, with a faster turnaround possible depending on the situation. This is why:
Many people believe that making videos is as simple as filming and uploading, but there are numerous other processes that occur in the background. Before we even come out to shoot, we spend hours planning, storyboarding, scripting, location scouting, talent coordination, preparing our gear and much more.
We will not proceed to the shooting location until these steps have been completed. This is the easiest and most enjoyable part of our jobs as videographers because it is when “the magic happens.” We can record up to 300GB of content on a typical day of shooting, which takes a long time to transfer to hard drives and upload online.
The majority of the time is spent during the post-production stage of the process. We need to go through all of the day’s footage, prepare it for editing, and begin editing. We need to find the best track for your video, put it together in the best sequence, fix any audio that may have been recorded, colour correct the footage, add any graphics on screen, and, if necessary, add some SFX, export it, upload it, and send it to you for approval.
We are not satisfied unless you are, so we are happy to go back and forth until you are satisfied that you have the best-looking video possible (we’re pretty sure this won’t take long).
Do I own my videography assets both raw and edited?
Since the invention of the first camera, there has been a conflict over RAW files. RAW files are high-quality, unedited videos that professional videographers frequently use. Many videographers prefer to work with them because they offer more flexibility than standard video files. They take up a lot of space and are typically shot in formats such as SLOG, VLOG, or ProRes, which are typically very flat and dull out of the camera and require a few extra steps in the editing process to look good.
So, who actually owns these RAW files? This is where things get tricky.
On the one hand, the videographer should have complete control over the clips they shot because they own the camera and shot the video. The client, on the other hand, has paid for the video and may wish to use individual clips for their own purposes. It is industry practice for the videographer to retain ownership of all videos shot. That is not to say that we will not deliver them to you if you request them; it just depends on the situation and what was agreed upon in the initial brief.
You pay pointdot for the images and videos we create when you hire us for photography or videography. For example, if you request that we come out and deliver one professionally edited promo video, we may shoot 100 or so clips on the day of the shoot. After we edit the clips that correspond to the brief, the final promo video is yours to use as you see fit. However, RAW clips are still considered pointdot property.
You pay pointdot for the images and videos we create when you hire us for photography or videography. For example, if you request that we come out and deliver one professionally edited promo video, we may shoot 100 or so clips on the day of the shoot. After we edit the clips that correspond to the brief, the final promo video is yours to use as you see fit. However, RAW clips are still considered pointdot property.
Can pointdot assist with sourcing talent for my video shoot?
Certain shoots necessitate the addition of additional components in order to properly showcase your company’s full capabilities. One solution to this problem is to hire models, paid actors, or influencers.
pointdot can find influencers and models for your upcoming content shoot, ensuring that the video produced is of the highest quality. You can be confident that they are dependable and experienced because we thoroughly vet all of our talent. Our extensive professional database ensures that we will find the ideal candidate for your company, and we are confident that we will.
How much does videography cost?
When it comes to videography, the old adage “you get what you pay for” is especially true. At pointdot, we believe our prices are reasonable, and you’ll be delighted with the difference our videos will make to your company. In terms of quoting videos, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to provide a flat rate because each video project we receive is unique and involves different elements.
Videography is a specialised skill that requires the use of expensive equipment and software. Additionally, businesses must factor in the costs of all hours worked. As a result, even the shortest video may require a significant amount of work to produce, depending on the content. Businesses that invest in video, on the other hand, often discover that it is a powerful and cost-effective way to interact with their customers and grow their business.
How many videos should I be posting every month?
Video has taken over the social media world. Platforms like YouTube and Instagram and especially TikTok have exploded in popularity in recent years, with billions of users watching billions of hours of content every day. Businesses have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to reach a large audience with their marketing messages. However, determining how frequently to post videos is a difficult task. Some companies post multiple videos every day, while others only post a few times per month. The frequency with which you post videos will be determined by a variety of factors, including your social media strategy’s goals and the resources you have available.
This is where pointdot enters the picture. We have a team of expert creatives and strategists who will sit down with you and discuss your company’s needs, and together we’ll figure out the best way forward to ensure that your videos are a successful part of your marketing strategy.